Sunday, 27 November 2016

Growing up and moving on.

One day, when the world is still young,
I will pack up my heart
And move right along.
One day, When I feel strong,
I will listen to my heart
While it sings a new song.
One day, before I am too old,
I will not wait around
I will not so as I'm told.

Please go..

Why do you need to lie and cheat?
I am not ready to compete.
Go to her, she can have you
Leave me alone to live my life.

Why should I grovel at your feet?
I am not ready to compete.
You need me more than I need you
I’ll be fine without you in my life.

Please go now and leave me.
I will not compete.
You want her and she wants you.

What is holding you back? 
Like a vulture, picking me bare
Waiting till I have no more . 
Please go.